Nefertiti neck lift (Botox neck lift) is named after the Egyptian queen Nefertiti, who was famous for her sharp jawline and beautiful neck.

The word ‘Nefertiti’ means ‘a beautiful woman has arrived’ and, true to its name, this Botox neck lift counteracts lost elasticity and the effects of gravity to redefine the age-vulnerable neck and jawline.

What is Nefertiti neck lift?

A Nefertiti Lift (Botox neck lift) is a non-invasive procedure, offered here at MKSkin Clinic in Milton Keynes.

At MKSkin Clinic, Milton Keynes, Nefertiti Lift (Botox neck lift) is used to target various issues of the lower part of the face.  It reduces the vertical neck bands, sagging jowls and creates a more pronounced definition of the jawline and smoothing out the neck.

How does Nefertiti neck lift (Botox neck lift) work?

The procedure involves a series of botulinum toxin injections (BOTOX), which is carefully and precisely injected into the muscles in your neck bands (Platysmal bands) and along the lower jawline. Botulinum toxin is a protein produced by a bacterium, which blocks the electrical impulses that make the facial muscles contract resulting in muscle relaxation.  This muscle relaxing action aids in the relaxation of the muscles of the lower face. As these muscles no longer pull your features down, the muscles on the upper face can properly lift the skin, resulting in a more defined jawline and a smoother neck. Nefertiti neck lift can be done on the patients who are 35 years and above.

If you have more loose skin in your lower face then a combination treatment of Nefertiti neck lift and dermal fillers along the jawline and cheeks will be needed for best results. At MKSkin Clinic in Milton Keynes, Nefertiti (Botox) neck lift is done by qualified, experienced and skilled doctors. Safe and effective treatments remain our top priorities.