Acne Treatment – Before and After

Acne Treatment – Before and After

Rosacea Treatment – Before and After

Acne is a common skin condition. It usually affects teenagers and young adults. However, it can also affect people over the age of 35. Acne can be distressing and undermine your confidence.

What causes acne?

Acne is caused by the pores getting blocked by sebum and dead skin cells. This is followed by the multiplication of acne causing bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), resulting in swelling and appearance of spots, painful bumps, pustules, or nodules on the skin.

Hormonal changes are most common in teenagers, when their skin begins to produce excess oil. Other factors like dehydration, diet and stress can also contribute. Good skincare routine is important, including take off the makeup to keep skin clean and clear.

What are the types of acne?

There are mainly two types of acne:

Non-inflammatory acne is also known as comedonal acne. These are the smaller type of acne, appearing in the form of blackheads and whiteheads, where your face is oilier, like your T-zone, chest and back.

Inflammatory acne is the other type of acne, resulting from the overgrowth of P. acnes bacteria on the skin, which can cause swelling, redness and discomfort. It occurs deeper in the skin than non-inflammatory acne and these may cause scarring or PIH. These can appear in the form of:

These are red, swollen bumps that are sore to touch. Typically, papules are smaller than 5mm in size.

Unlike papules, pustules are inflamed bumps with a visible whitehead you may feel tempted to squeeze. But pustules may spread when they are ruptured, leading to more breakouts. Pustules vary in size between 1mm and 5mm.

Nodules are hard, painful lesions which penetrate deep into the skin, making them difficult to treat. Unlike other forms of acne, these large, firm bumps may cause scarring if left untreated.

These large, pus-filled lesions look similar in appearance to boils, and form deep under the skin. Like papules and nodules, cysts are painful to touch. Cystic acne is commonly linked to genes or hormones.

Are you looking for Acne treatment?

Here at MKSkin clinic, Milton Keynes, we offer consultation for acne. During the consultation, we assess and examine the skin for the type of acne and discuss the treatment options.

Here at MKSkin clinic, Milton Keynes, we offer treatments for various types of acne, including skin peels. Treatments work by reducing the oiliness of the skin, unblocking the pores, reducing the activity of acne producing bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes and reducing the skin inflammation associated with acne.

Just after a few treatment sessions, here at MKSkin clinic in Milton Keynes, patients can see improvement in their acne and skin condition. Once the active acne is under control, we also offer maintenance treatments.

At MKSkin clinic, Milton Keynes, acne treatments are carried out by qualified and experienced doctors.


Rosacea is a long-term skin condition, usually affecting people between the age of 30-60. Rosacea begins with episodes of flushing of the skin. As the condition progresses, skin becomes persistently red. It is characterised by papules, pustules, dry flaky skin, burning or stinging sensation and spider veins become visible on the skin. Here at MKSkin Clinic in Milton Keynes, we offer treatments to help control the signs and symptoms of Rosacea and improve the appearance of the skin.