Hyperpigmentation – Before and After
What causes hyperpigmentation?
Most pigmentary disorders are associated with excess melanin. Melanin is a brown pigment produced in the skin by special cells called melanocytes. Under the influence of sunlight (UV rays) and hormonal factors, melanin levels can become uneven across the skin, resulting in blotchiness, brown spots, and melasma.
Hyperpigmentation is a common skin problem that many women and some men experience. This uneven pigmentation of the skin appears as dark spots or patches and is seen on the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body, frequently exposed to the sun.
There are different types of hyperpigmentation:
Sun spots, freckles, age spots:
These are concentrated small spots of hyperpigmentation caused by too much sun exposure. They vary in colour from light to dark brown or black. The difference between freckles and age spots is that freckles appear on young people’s skin when it gets too much sun. Age spots appear on older people’s skin when it gets too much sun.
Melasma is a hormone related condition that is often triggered by birth control usage or pregnancy. Other causes of melasma includes UV radiation and infrared light exposure. It looks like irregular splotchy patches of pigment and is usually seen on the nose, cheeks, above the lip and forehead. Melasma is usually symmetrical on both sides of the face. Melasma can affect both men and women.
Treatment for hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone and melasma:
Here at MKSkin clinic, Milton Keynes, we offer treatment for hyperpigmentation. Consultation is done before the treatment. During the consultation, type and the depth of hyperpigmentation is assessed by examining the skin, including dermoscopic examination. At MKSkin clinic in Milton Keynes, we offer a range of treatments like chemical peels, TCA peel, Obagi-NuDerm system, microneedling with mesotherapy and other treatments to create a uniform skin tone. All our treatments are carried out by qualified and experienced doctors.