Conditions Treated


Fines lines and wrinkles start appearing mid-20s, onwards. These lines get deeper and deeper as the years go by. This can be influenced by factors like sun exposure, pollution, smoking and repeated facial expressions like squinting, frowning or smiling.

As we age, the skin becomes less resilient and more vulnerable to gravity and slowly begins to sag. Gravity pulls on our lower face, leading to sagging jowls and hanging skin on the neck and lower face.

Chin dimpling also known as cobblestone chin, or golf ball chin or peau d’orange appearance of the chin. Some of us get lumpy or bumpy skin on our chin as we age, this is due to overactive mentalis muscle.

These are the lines that scrunch up, when you wrinkle up the nose like a bunny. These lines appear at the top of the nose and fanning up on the sides of the nose, hence the name bunny lines.

Non-surgical facial slimming is a procedure done for changing a square shaped lower face or square jawline into a triangular lower face by using botulinum toxin (Botox) into the hypertrophied masseter muscle. People with big masseter muscles will often clench or grind their teeth, these muscles get bigger with more exercise, resulting in a square jaw.

Bruxism also known as teeth grinding is a condition in which there is clenching or teeth grinding, during sleep or during the day. This causes the masseter muscle to grow in size. With bigger masseter muscles, clenching and grinding tends to get worse.

Gummy smile is a condition in which there is excessive display of the gums covering the upper teeth. The muscle that controls movement of the upper lip could be hyperactive causing the upper lip to rise up higher than normal, especially when you smile.

Peri-oral lines are the lines around the lip border. These are also called lipstick or smoker’s lines. As we age, we lose collagen in the skin, other factors responsible are sun exposure and lifestyle factors.

The ageing process reduces the collagen and elastin, muscle mass, bone mass and fat pads held beneath the skin. Factors like sun exposure, gravity and smoking also plays a role.

The skin under the eyes is the thinnest and most sensitive on the entire face. There are various causes for the appearance of dark circles, it can be genetic factors, due to increased pigmentation or loss of fatty tissue under the eye.

Thin lips are a common concern. Various factors can affect the lip volume, these include genetics, ageing process or various external factors.

  • Can affect both men and women and reduce one’s self-confidence. Recent research has shown that PRP can stop or reduce hair miniaturization caused by androgenic alopecia, by stimulating the dormant follicular stem cells in the scalp

Acne is a common skin condition, affecting the young adults and teenagers. However, it can also affect people over the age of 35. Acne can be distressing and undermine your confidence.

Scars that remain after acne are acne scars. Most common type is depressed acne scars. These present as boxcar, ice-pick, rolling or a combination of these. Boxcar scars pull down in the centre. Ice-pick scars are very narrow and deep. Rolling scars are like broad, low hills.

Large skin pores are a common skin problem. These pores become more visible as we age and the skin loses elastin. Depending on the severity and the extent of your problem areas, we offer various treatments.

Blackheads are a form of acne. They are caused by the build-up of sebum (secretion of oil glands), which turns black when oxidized. Correct treatment of blackheads is imperative to avoid infection and scarring.

s a condition in which there is excess melanin production in certain areas of the skin, resulting in dark patches on the skin and uneven skin tone. There are various causes for hyperpigmentation, this includes sun exposure, hormone-related changes and dark spots left behind by acne.

Thread veins- also known as spider veins or broken veins- are fine red or purple veins that are usually seen underneath the skin surface, on the cheeks or lateral sides of the nose. They are usually asymptomatic but treatment is needed for cosmetic reasons.

Age spots are pigmented spots on the skin, usually arising after the age of 40. They are light brown to brown with a uniform colour, usually flat with clearly defined border. They may be single or multiple. They do not fade in winter. Most common cause is exposure to UV radiation.